28.0 Character Flair

Flair is used along with our other features, Character Stats & Stat Types and Abilities & Ability Types, to create character sheets that can be used within Chronica.

Flair is added directly from your character profile pages, since it is character-specific.

Flair is used to add custom blurbs to specific characters that do not fit into Stats or Abilities. This is useful if a character has a special move unique to them, an item bonus or ability, etc. You can add flair to a character from the character profile page in the Flair panel. Find and click the small green "Add Flair" button to open the modal window. The short description will show on the character profile with the long description available once you click it. You can change the order of flair by adding a number into the Order box. We will be adding drag-and-drop sorting to this feature in the future.